The Beginner’s Guide to Online Donations: Links to the 10 Steps and 30 Guides

The Beginner’s Guide to Online Donations Table of Contents:

Here are your links to the 10 Steps of the Beginner’s Guide. Simply scroll down to access the 10 Steps and their 30 step-by-step guides.

Step 1: How to Create a Website for Your Nonprofit. Setting Up & Launching Your New Online Fundraising Website: choosing a name, web site services and connecting to the Internet.
  • Guide 1. Choosing a website host and registering your website address.
  • Guide 2. WWW: Weebly, Wix, or WordPress? Choosing a platform.
  • Guide 3. Selecting an attractive website theme with modern features.
  • Guide 4. Important basics: quick and easy navigation—and mobile phone friendly too.
  • Guide 5. Organizing your initial pages: keep the structure simple—but plan for growth.
  • Guide 6. Quick start your SEO: Make including these ultra simple search magnets in your initial pages a habit now.
  • Guide 7. Branding: adding a logo and slogan; choosing fonts, colors and columns.
  • Guide 8. Posting a new blog and adding a new webpage: Let’s create 2 copy/paste/edit templates.
  • Guide 9. Four ways to add written content: which one is the easiest for you to use? Plus, adding links and photos.
  • Guide 10. Four must-have copy/paste webpage snippets for tables, bullets & indents.
  • Guide 11. Get collecting right away: Quick start volunteer and subscription forms. Collecting online donations.
  • Guide 12. Pre-Publish Checklist: Final page edit. Checking spelling, grammar and links.
Simple Landing Pages. Simple SEO
Step 5: Landing Pages that Convert & Optimized Keywords.
  • Guide 13. Keywords and the 21st Century Communication Secret: [Shhh… It’s all about them!]. Use the same language your visitors use.
  • Guide 14. Landing Pages are Your Salesmen: They convert a casual visitor into a donor, volunteer or subscriber.
  • Guide 15. 12 steps to building a perfect landing page template. Bonus checklist.
  • Guide 16. Demystifying SEO. Use keywords in your headings, page title, page description and content. Post information rich, long content.
  • Guide 17. Writing Techniques.
  • Guide 18. Build visibility and attract visitors: Promote your blog or landing page to colleagues: get them to link to your page (Google likes links!).
Marketing & Communications
Step 7: Fundraising Goals, Target Markets and Your Nonprofit’s Story. Determine what to market to whom—and then do it!
  • Guide 19. Your needs: get specific about your support goals. Do you want supporters that are donors, volunteers, subscribers? How many?
  • Guide 20. Who is your target market: Who are these new supporters you are hoping to reach? What causes do they want to support? We need an avatar here!
  • Guide 21. Your brand: who are you? What does your nonprofit do? Specifically, in sound bites, let’s make this sound attractive to your new supporters.
  • Guide 22. Develop an achievable communications calendar.
  • Guide 23. Your communication connection: where will you launch your first campaign? Clearly define the channels that connect you to your target supporters: newsletter, blog, social media?
  • Guide 24. Launch your first campaign. Let’s connect your first campaign to your perfect landing page—and convert visitors into donors.
Email Lists and Email Newletters
  • Guide 25. Collecting subscribers. What information should you ask of a new subscriber?
  • Guide 26. Installing pop-ups on your website. Which type? Where? What should they say?
  • Guide 27. Do you have a free offer? Compiling an e-book or membership program to entice new subscribers.
  • Guide 28. Subject lines. Your chance to be both creative and a Sherlock too.
  • Guide 29. What should your email look like? How long? What will lure subscribers to click through to an actionable landing page?
  • Guide 30. Launch. Write a new, compelling, newsletter, dovetailed with an action-oriented landing page. Then send it!