For 15 years we’ve helped individuals & nonprofits learn how to create successful solutions to the most important challenges we face.


Write a Climate Action Plan. Launch Climate Change Solutions

Wisconsin rural family at their county fair
How to Write a Community Climate Action Plan

8 Week Course: Hands-On
Help your community write, fund & launch a climate action plan.

Indigenous woman in rural America working on a tribal climate action plan.
Write and Indigenous Climate Action Plan

8 Week Course: Hands-On
Discover climate solutions to help tribal members combat global warming.

Three women from a nonprofit working on a funding plan for a community climate change action plan.
Fund Your Climate Change Action Plan

8 Week Course: Hands-On
Develop a donor presentation and have an exploratory donor meeting.

Community members participating in a community based needs assessment about climate change.
Launch Your Climate change Action Plan

8 Week Course: Hands-On
For long term sustainability engage community members in the CAP launch.

Nonprofit Project Design, Funding, and Management

A man and a woman are standing in a food bank - the woman is holding vegetables.
Design, Fund, & Manage Nonprofit Programs 1

8 Week Course: Hands-On
How to develop solution-oriented programs for the needs of your community.

A woman with 10 beans in her hand is voting on the prioritization of climate challenges in her community.
Design, Fund, & Manage Nonprofit Programs 2

8 Week Course: Hands-On
Develop funding tools: logframes, budgets, schedules, and fact sheets.

Community members participating in a community based needs assessment about climate change.
Design, Fund, & Manage Nonprofit Programs 3

8 Week Course: Hands-On
Long-term sustainability & impact: Fully engage the community in their project.

Nine young indigenous women from a nonprofit smiling and posing for a photo
Design, Fund, & Manage Nonprofit Programs 4

8 Week Course: Hands-On
Sustainability: Give the community a plan for project takeover.

Six Month Mentored Nonprofit Programs

Three people around a laptop discussing a new fundraising plan
Nonprofit Fundraising Mentored Masterclass

6 Month Masterclass
Tune up your marketing plan, newsletters & website to motivate online donors.

Young woman sitting at a desk, earbuds in her ears, working on a fundraising plan on her laptop.
FastTrack Online Fundraising Masterclass

2-3 Month Self-Paced
Develop donor-focused newsletters & web pages for your organization.

Local government members wanting to write, fund & launch a local climate change action plan.
Mentored Project Design & Funding Masterclass

6 Month Masterclass
Design a project to attract donor funding & manage it for increased impact.

Group of three African American technicians check the maintenance of the solar panels.
Mentored Sustainable Development

6 Month Masterclass
Sustainable development project design, financing & project management.

Food: Family, Community and Urban Gardens 

A young girl holding freshly picked green onions and romaine lettuce from a vegetable garden.
Vegetable Gardens: How Nonprofits Teach Families

8 Week Course: Hands-On
For individuals, families, & nonprofits. Grow food for family nutrition.

A round plate full of freshly picked garden vegetables
How Nonprofits Grow Urban Container Gardens

8 Week Course: Hands-On
Teach at-risk urban families to grow fresh nutritious vegetables in small places.

Woman in a blue jacket holding a sunflower in an urban garden
Nonprofits, Family Nutrition and Community Gardens

8 Week Course: Hands-On
Learn how to start community food gardens for at-risk families.

Tim Constantine's Sister Working in a Vegetable Garden in San Dimas California
Garden Care for Nonprofit Food Gardens

8 Week Course: Hands-On
How to care for the gardens we planted and how to plan for next season.

International Adaptation to Climate Change 

A woman in Kenya in a colorful bandana is standing in front of a banana tree pointing at the green bananas.
Climate Adaptation 1

8 Week Course Hands-On
How to design & run a real climate change project in a real community.

Indigenous man re-greening a section of desert as part of a climate change action plan.
Climate Adaptation 2

6 Week Course Hands-On
Develop funding tools: log frames, budgets, schedules & fact sheets.

Two young boys in Africa leaning against a wooden wall smiling at the camera.
Climate Adaptation 3

6 Week Course Hands-On
Long-term sustainability and impact: Fully engage community in their project.

A coffee farmer in Guatemala inspecting his coffee plants for coffee rust- a disease which has moved into Guatemala because of climate change.
Climate Adaptation 4

6 Week Course Hands-On
Sustainability: Give the community a plan for project takeover.

International Sustainable Development 

Woman in Guatemala in colorful indigenous clothing picking tomatoes in a greenhouse with her baby strapped to her back
Sustainable Development 1

6 Week Course Hands-On
How to develop solution-oriented programs for the needs of your community.

Two young African boys sitting against an orange wall working on a laptop sitting on their laps their laps
Sustainable Development 2

6 Week Course Hands-On
Develop funding tools: log frames, budgets, schedules & fact sheets.

A group of Bangladeshi women in colorful dress are sitting and talking during a community needs assessment.
Sustainable Development 3

6 Week Course Hands-On
Long-term sustainability and impact: Fully engage community in their project.

Community members participating in a community based needs assessment about climate change.
Sustainable Development 4

6 Week Course Hands-On
Sustainability: give the community a plan for project takeover.

Advanced Sustainable Development Programs

Asian man with a conical woven cap carrying sheaves of rice hanging from a pole in a rice paddy
Climate Smart Agriculture

6 Week Course Hands-On
Discover specific food & income challenges & find sustainable solutions.

A disaster preparedness instructor in Pakistan leading a workshop with community members
Emergency Preparedness

6 Week Course Hands-On
Design a DRR program to protect agriculture, livelihoods, and save lives.

Woman in Guatemala in colorful indigenous clothing picking tomatoes in a greenhouse with her baby strapped to her back
Village Food Gardens

6 Week Course Hands-On
Reduce hunger and malnutrition. Launch food gardens for at-risk families.

An Asian farmer bending over and planting rice in his rice paddy.
Water  Management

6 Week Course Hands-On
Develop a community water management plan and then launch it!

Breaking News: Positive Climate Change Actions

Climate Change News showing renewable energy wind turbines for combating climate change in ocean with sunset in the background.
Breaking News: Subscribe To Climate Change News

Every Month
Advance your career, raise funds, and solve nonprofit challenges. Subscribe!

Two Men smiling. One is in his 30s, one in his 70s. Maybe father and son.
Build Bridges: Link Skeptics and Believers

10 Minute Read
How to communicate with skeptical communities about climate change.

A couple is seated in front of their laptop discussing steps to cut your carbon footprint by 50%
8 Steps to Cut Your Carbon Footprint 50%

15 Minute Read
How you as an individual can create a personalized climate action plan.

Asian schoolgirl surrounded by classmates all smiling and clapping their hands
Cutting Edge Newsletter for Nonprofit Professionals

Every Month
Use this calculator to run your household’s carbon footprint estimate.

Strength in numbers


CSDi course participants and counting


Students are from 154 countries


Community members impacted by hundreds of different types of student projects