OL 304 Vegetable Garden

Care For Family Gardens


Community Gardens

Vegetable Garden Care 304

In OL 303 you planted nutritious food gardens. In OL 304 the goals are to learn how to care for the garden, how to increase family nutrition—including using delicious nutrition packed recipes—and how to plan for next season’s garden.

OVERVIEW: Vegetable Garden Care

What is this course?

 A 6-week, self-paced training program in maintaining the food gardens developed in OL 303 with local community members. By the end of the 6 weeks, you will have learned about soil, watering, weeding and pests. You will also learn about nutrition, meal planning and cooking balanced meals that are appetizing, healthy & utilize produce from the new gardens.

Vegetable Garden Care: Learn by doing.

By now, the food gardens that your community members planted are a month old. We will address proper watering,  weeding and explore options for pest control. We will have an in depth look at cooking and nutrition and learn what children need in their diets. Then we will look at the importance of soil handling and of introducing compost and manure for plant health.

How will you you learn about Vegetable Garden Care?

1. The course will lead you through maintaining a real food garden project, in real time, and leave you with the practical field tools to sustain it. We are committed to helping you achieve results-based nutritional impact.
2. For the long-term sustainability of your project you will continue working with community members on the garden project.

Who should take this Vegetable Garden Care course?

1. This course is perfect for nonprofit and development professionals working in areas such as food security, health, sustainable development, or community development—and who want to develop practitioner-level skills. If you are a grant writer, nonprofit staff member, consultant, project manager—or an executive director—you will develop real skills mastery.

2. This course is just as relevant to a person considering a career transition into the nonprofit or development world and wanting to develop employable skills.


Vegetable Garden Care Syllabus

8 Weeks: Develop a real world project.
Week 1. Kitchen Gardens: Care & Maintenance.
Week 2. Pests: How to Manage Them Organically.
Week 3. Nutrition, Meal Planning & Cooking.
Week 4. Soil and Compost.
Week 5. Special Challenges Like Depleted Soil or a Water Shortage.
Week 6. Planting Seeds in Seed Trays for Raising Seedlings.


Vegetable Garden Care Participants Say:

What Participants Say: “This course inspired me to set up my own home garden where I could experiment before transferring the knowledge to the community.

I have been able to test different brands of seeds, try sack gardens, and research methods of rain water harvesting.” Ivy D’Costa.

Tim Magee: Climate Change Scientist & Author

Reduce hunger & malnutrition. Learn to teach at-risk families in your community how to care for their new vegetable gardens.

Real human help: The training program will be led by Tim Magee, CSDi’s Executive Director, who has over 40 years experience in urban vegetable growing. Mr. Magee is the author of A Field Guide to Community Based Adaptation, A Solar Greenhouse Guide to Food Production, and is a Co-Founder of Seattle Tilth: An Urban Agricultural Center.


Have a question? Contact our team for quick answers.

ENROLL: How To Enroll in This Course.

Simply click on the “ENROLL NOW” button to make your payment.

Last Step:  Your next step is to simply fill out the student information sheet to complete your registration.

PRICING: Vegetable Garden Care with a Live Teacher

Teacher Led

Take this course with a live teacher. You will have complete access to the download course resources and lessons described below. Certificate: Turn in the 6 assignments and you will receive a PDF Certificate. Your course teacher will offer professional comments and encouragement for your assignments.

INCLUDES: Vegetable Garden Care Resources

Job-focused content includes:
6 PDF Detailed Assignments
6 PDF In-depth Discussions
68 MS Word Completed Assignment Templates for you to personalize to be your own assignment for submittal.
Over 50 Word, Excel and PDF resources to download that contain hand books, studies—and project templates for you to edit and personalize.