Create a Climate Change Action Plan

Help your rural community’s families and businesses.

  • Are you feeling left out of the climate change conversation?
  • Have a lot to say about flooding, extreme weather, and drought?
  • Start that conversation with us on your terms.
  • Produce a positive impact on the health & strength of your community

—We guide you in discovering solutions to solve your climate change challenges—


What are the climate change challenges your community faces?

Icon of a Farmer Standing in a Field


  • drought & crop failure
  • wildfires
  • loss of water resources
  • flooding
Icon of a Waitress Standing at the Counter of a Traditional Diner

Local Business

  • heat waves
  • decrease in tourism
  • impacts on livelihoods
  • reduced water supply
Icon Elderly Couple Standing together with Canes

Elderly and Youth

  • emotional trauma
  • heat stroke
  • respiratory illnesses
  • extreme weather


Popular, Effective Climate Change Solutions

Participants have discovered over 300 different kinds of solutions. It’s your turn to have a go!

Icon of agroforestry on a farm with trees and water


  • climate smart farms
  • forest management
  • groundwater recharge
  • rock check dams
Icon of street trees around a park bench

Local Business

  • street tree plantings
  • promoting agritourism
  • green energy jobs
  • wetlands protection
Icon of community support: two hands encompassing three people

Elderly and Youth

  • community support
  • cooling centers
  • air filtration kits
  • emergency plans


Groups that will benefit from this climate course

Community Members

Are you an engaged community member wanting to find climate solutions for building a stronger community?

Nonprofit Organizations

Do you work for a nonprofit interested in developing climate action plans for the communities that you serve?


Are you a local government wanting to find climate change solutions for building a resilient community?

How Do We Help?

We walk side-by-side with you, share simple steps, & using our templates, write a climate plan

Icon 3 People sitting at a table having a meeting


  • meet your neighbors
  • share climate concerns
  • talk to us
  • rank your challenges
Icon Person with ideas floating around their head


  • use our templates
  • write problem outline
  • discover solutions
  • share your plan
Icon Group of 5 People facing forward

Make It Real

  • get community buy-in
  • use our budget form
  • write a fact sheet
  • meet with a donor

We work with you, one on one during each step.

Member of a Rural Small Town? Full Scholarships Are Available.

CSDi is pleased to announce 12 full scholarships for
How to Write a North American Rural Climate Action Plan. Learn More.


CSDi’s Climate Solutions Newsletter
Positive, practical news, ideas & actions to combat global warming. Learn to design solutions for a community’s climate change challenges.