305 Student Resources Container Gardening Teach Urban Families to Grow Food


This OL 305 Student Resource Page has two sections that can easily be reached by clicking on the red links just below.

  1. Download Documents. This is where you can download Word, Excel and PDF documents that can save as course resources for future projects, print and to use as templates for the assignments.
  2. The Course Website. Webpage versions of the discussions and assignments for each week that you can access with your tablet or smartphone.
Links on this OL 305 Student Resource Page:

Download 305 Course Documents

305 Student Resources Container Gardening Teach Urban Families to Grow Food

E-Mail and Homework Etiquette

Assignment One

OL 305 Assignment One Homework Instructions

Example of a Student’s first Assignment

OL 305 Welcome Letter

Small-space vegetable gardens

Edible Gardening in Small Spaces – Harris’ Farmer’s Almanac

The Edible Balcony – Growing Fresh Produce in Small Spaces

Fast, Fresh Garden Edibles – Quick Crops for Small Spaces

Assignment Two

OL 305 Assignment Two Discussion

OL 305 Assignment Two Homework Instructions

Introduction to the Basic Concepts of Food Security

Introduction to a Healthy Diet

Healthy Harvest: A training manual for community workers in good nutrition, and the growing, preparing and processing of healthy food.

USDA MyPlate. The most extensive site on the Internet for actually determining what people of different ages need to eat and for building menus. Very Graphic, easy to use (except for the scale of the project) and has a number of different learning and teaching tools. Worth spending ½ hour exploring this site and finding a page that you can adapt to your situation. Download and print handouts for workshops.

Super Simple Online survey with evaluation:
Fruit, Vegetable and Fiber Screener. NutritionQuest.

For participants with a strong interest in nutrition in their constituent communities, I am including this list of background resources on nutrition.

Useful Nutrition Charts for Workshops.doc

Lesson Plan for Introducing Nutrition for Community Members

FAO Innovative Tools for Assessing Household Food Security and Dietary Diversity


FAO Dietary Diversity Questionnaire for Developing Nations

FAO Dietary Diversity Questionnaire for Developed Nations

FAO Guidelines for Measuring Household and Individual Dietary Diversity:

Food Security:
Household Food Insecurity Access Scale Survey Questionnaire

USAID Household Food Insecurity Access Scale HFIAS

Home Gardening:
Home Gardening Questionnaire for Developing Nations

Home Gardening Questionnaire for Developed Nations

Assignment Three

OL 305 Assignment Three Homework Instructions

OL 305 Assignment Three Homework Discussion

Assignment Four

OL 305 Assignment Four Homework Instructions

OL 305 Assignment 4 Discussion

Manure in the Home Garden

OSU Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium Values Of Organic Fertilizers

UGA How to Convert an Inorganic Fertilizer Recommendation to an Organic One

IDEP 4 Healthy Soil

Comparison of Coconut Coir and Sphagnum Peat as Soil-less Media Components for Plant Growth

Assignment Five

OL 305 Assignment Five Homework Instructions

OL 305 Assignment 5 Discussion

Assignment Six

OL 305 Assignment Six Homework Instructions

OL 305 Assignment Six Discussion

Assignment Seven

OL 305 Assignment Seven Homework Instructions

OL 305 Assignment Seven Discussion

Assignment Eight

OL 305 Assignment Eight Homework Instructions

OL 305 Assignment Eight Discussion

The vegetable garden cookbook : 60 recipes to enjoy your homegrown produce

Renee’s Garden Seeds: Cooking from the garden Resources

Recipes From A Kitchen Garden Renee Shepherd Cookbook

Preserving Food without Freezing or Canning PDF

OL 305 – 2 minute Evaluation Form Word Document

Welcome to OL 305 Container Gardening Teach Urban Families to Grow Food Class Home Page


The Course

Welcome to the Center for Sustainable Development’s online learning course OL 305. Inner City Food Gardens For Family Food & Nutrition. In this course you will assess food security and nutrition needs in a community and launch an urban community gardening project. .


You have signed up for a specific course within specific dates. If you are not able to complete the course within these dates, the Center allows you to take the course again for 50% of the normal course fee if you enroll in the very next scheduled course and use the very same project. Unfortunately, we can’t make exceptions.

Please review E-Mail and Homework Etiquette in the Download Class Documents as a refresher. Course participants who successfully complete a course on time will receive a course certificate. Learn the full details.

The class week begins on Tuesdays; assignments need to be sent to me by the Monday 7 days later. This allows students without Internet at home to access Internet at work on Mondays in order to send their assignment in.

The Student Resource Page contains:
1. Links for downloading the weeks’ documents: be sure to save them for future reference.
2. Links for the background Discussion on the week’s homework assignment; in this case – OL 305 Discussion 1; read this first each week
3. Links to the week’s Assignment; in this case – OL 305 Assignment One Homework
4. Links to the Magee Example Project Assignment for each week.
5. This, the Class Home Page with the class rules and logistics
6. A link to the Email & Homework Etiquette page in the Download Class Documents gives the rules of the game for corresponding with us and for posting assignments. Please print it out and read it first.

Each week I will ask you to download my example project to use as an assignment template. You can contact me with questions here: OL.341@csd-i.org .

Important: The Email & Homework Etiquette page in the Download Class Documents gives the rules of the game for corresponding with us and for posting assignments. Please print it out and read it first.

The Class Project

This class is designed to be fun. We are each going to develop our own project – hopefully a real one. Each one of your assignments is actually a concrete element in building your project. I will comment on the development of each of your projects and have posted my own project components as examples for you to see and use for ideas.

Please use my Magee examples as templates for your project. They are formatted such that one week is the building block for the next week and therefore we need to maintain the format of the examples I provide. Download my examples and just write right over the top of what I’ve written. In this manner you will learn the system and be guided in thinking through the components of your project. This will also make it much easier for me to read through each of your assignments as each participant’s will all have the same look and feel.

I will review each one of your assignments and make suggestions. In this manner, I get to know you through our correspondence, and I become familiar with each of your projects. My suggestions are meant to keep your assignment ‘on track’. There are very specific steps that we work through and each project usually needs a bit of guidance in preparation for the next assignment. Do not move onto the next assignment until you have received my comments on the current assignment.

Please send photos of you, your project, the community you are working with (get some good close-ups) and I will post them in an upcoming newsletter. For some tips on taking good photos please look at the Newsletter: Capturing Compelling Photos from the Field.

Class Rules

1. Schedule. The work load is between 2 and 4 hours a week. You need to stay on schedule. We all need to be on the same week. If you get behind the rest of the class, you will need to take the class again in the future. We allow you to take the course again for ½ price if you join the very next class and use the same project.

2. Certificates. Course participants who successfully complete a course on time will receive a course certificate. Learn more. Your certificate will be e-mailed within 30 days of the end of your course.

Signed certificates are delivered by email in a PDF format for you to print out. We do not offer paper certificates by mail. The name on the certificate will be your first and last names as they appear on your Student Enrollment Form.

Course certificates are issued for all students from one course all at the same time—usually within one week of the end of the course. Students requesting a replacement certificate at a future date will be charged a $15.00 fee. So save and backup your certificate when you receive it.

3. Email and Homework Etiquette: the rules of the game. We have had students from 153 different countries enrolled in different courses. It is a bit complicated managing all of the incoming emails. We have developed a system that you need to incorporate in submitting homework and in corresponding with us. Please read the etiquette page now.

4. Our Online Course FAQ has answers to most other questions.

The 8 Week Syllabus

Week 1. Choosing space and containers for your vegetables. Where: A balcony, rooftop, a small plot?

Week 2. Nutrition, planning and selecting seeds for a nutritious vegetable garden. Start some seeds in seed trays
Week 3. Soil Part One: Select healthy soil. What kind of soil? Where to get it? How to weed-proof it.
Week 4. Soil Part Two. Prepare the soil for optimal plant growth-organically. Soft open texture, nutrients for the plants-and the importance of worms for making compost!
Week 5. Plant seeds & seedlings in your new containers. Be sure to plant some quick-to-harvest things too!
Week 6. Learn how to gauge sun and water.
Week 7. Practice insect vigilance-organically.
Week 8. Planning nutritious meals using your vegetable harvests, and replanting with new seedlings.

The Course also Provides the Following Resources
Documents on course topics by contemporary experts.
Books, posters and manuals available online for download.
Internet development links organized by sector.
There are no books to buy—all course materials can be linked to, or downloaded from the course site.

So what’s next? Click on the Assignment One Discussion and get started in family food and nutrition!

Tim Magee