Nonprofit Fundraising FastTrack Student Resource Page

A Self-Paced 2 to 3 month FastTrack Nonprofit Communications & Fundraising in the Digital Age

This FastTrack Communications Fundraising Student Resource Page.

See the full syllabus here.

Read the Class Homepage First.

1. Download Documents. This is where you can download Word, Excel and PDF documents that can save as course resources for future projects and use as templates for the assignments.
2. The Course Website. Webpage versions of the discussions and assignments for each week.
3. Read this first: The Class Home Page. This gives you an overview of the course and also sets up the course logistics.

Links on this Mentored Communications and Fundraising Student Resource Page:

Download Documents Class Home Page

Download Fundraising FastTrack Course Documents

 A Self-Paced 2 to 3 month FastTrack Nonprofit Fundraising Certificate Program. Please follow this syllabus for weekly assignment timing in the 12 week FastTrack Program:

Download the syllabus PDF Here: FastTrack 12-Week Nonprofit Fundraising Certificate Program Syllabus

Read the Syllabus online here: Online version of the syllabus and schedule.

General Documents

E-Mail and Homework Etiquette

Mentored Nonprofit Fundraising 6-Month Certificate Program Syllabus

OL 501 Nonprofit Fundraising FastTrack 12-Week Certificate Program Syllabus

Month One

Week One – Coordination

Logging in for the first time.

Learning to navigate the site.

Getting to know each other.

Begin Weekly Assignments

Assignment One

Mentored Fundraising Overview PDF 35K

Assignment 1 Discussion PDF 35K

Assignment One Homework Instructions PDF 35K

Magee Example Assignment 1 Word Document 35K

Assignment 1 Link to webpage with additional examples

Assignment Two

Assignment 2 Discussion PDF 35K

Assignment Two Homework Instructions PDF 35K

Magee Example Assignment 2 Word Document 35K

Assignment 2 Link to webpage with additional examples

Assignment Three

Assignment 3 Discussion PDF 35K

Assignment Three Homework Instructions PDF 35K

Magee Example Assignment 3 Word Document 35K

Assignment 3 Link to webpage with additional examples

Month Two

Assignment Four

Assignment Four Homework Instructions PDF 35K

Assignment Five

Assignment Five Homework Instructions PDF 35K

Assignment Six

Assignment Six Homework Instructions PDF 35K

Assignment Seven

Assignment Seven Homework Instructions PDF 35K

Month Three

Assignment Eight

Assignment Eight Homework Instructions PDF 35K

Assignment Nine

Assignment Nine Homework Instructions PDF 35K

Magee Example Communications Calendar. Word 35K

Assignment Ten Writing Guide. PDF 35K

Assignment Ten

Assignment Ten Homework Instructions PDF 35K

Assignment Ten Writing Guide. PDF 35K

Assignment Eleven

Assignment Eleven Homework Instructions PDF 35K

Assignment Eleven Two-Page Fact Sheet. PDF 35K

Capturing Compelling Stories from the Field. PDF 35K

Capturing Compelling Photos from the Field. PDF 35K

Month Four

Assignment Twelve

Assignment Twelve Homework Instructions PDF 35K

Assignment Twelve Google Search Term Results for Food Bank Newsletters. Excel 35K

Assignment Thirteen

Assignment Thirteen Homework Instructions PDF 35K

Fundraising Assignment Thirteen Word Version of Landing Page Word 35K

HTML Code for Example Landing Page Word 35K

Assignment Fourteen

Assignment Fourteen Homework Instructions PDF 35K

HTML Code for Example Landing Page Word 35K

Assignment Fifteen

Assignment Fifteen Homework Instructions PDF 35K

HTML Code for Example Landing Page Word 35K

Fundraising Assignment Thirteen Word Version of Landing Page Word 35K

Download ’12 Steps to Building a Perfect Landing Page Template’ PDF 35K

Month Five

Assignment Sixteen

Assignment Sixteen Homework Instructions PDF 35K

Assignment Seventeen

Assignment Seventeen Homework Instructions PDF 35K

Assignment Eighteen

Assignment Eighteen Homework Instructions PDF 35K

Assignment Nineteen

Assignment Nineteen Homework Instructions PDF 35K

Magee Example Email Newsletter that Matches Landing Page Copy Assignment 19 Word 35K

Fundraising Assignment Thirteen Word Version of Landing Page Word 35K

Month Six

Assignment Twenty

Assignment Twenty Homework Instructions PDF 35K

Chapter 20 Revised Landing Page that Matches Newsletter Word 35K

’12 Steps to Building a Perfect Landing Page Template’ Word 35K

Assignment Twenty-One

Assignment Twenty-One Homework Instructions PDF 35K

Mentored Fundraising – 1 minute Evaluation Form Word Document

Welcome to the FastTrack Mentored Nonprofit Fundraising Program Class Home Page

The Course

Welcome to the Center for Sustainable Development’s FastTrack Fundraising Certificate Program. During this 12-Week Program you will learn how to optimize your website and improve donor communications to both attract new donors to your website and to begin receiving online donations.

If your are a participant in the Six-Month Mentored Online Fundraising Program,
please use this syllabus for your assignments.

If your are a participant in the Twelve-Week 12-Week FastTrack Fundraising Program,
please use this syllabus for your assignment schedule.


You have signed up for a specific course within specific dates. If you are not able to complete the course within these dates, the Center allows you to take the course again for 50% of the normal course fee if you enroll in the very next scheduled course and use the very same project. Unfortunately, we can’t make exceptions.

The sidebar menu in the lower right-hand corner of your browser called “Mentored Fundraising shows:
1. This Class Home Page
2. A page for downloading the weeks’ documents
3. The background Discussion on the week’s Assignment; in this case – Fundraising Discussion 1; read this first each week
4. The Assignment; in this case – Fundraising Assignment One Homework Instructions

For each assignment you will download my example project to use as an assignment template. You can contact me with simple questions at: .

The Class Project

This class is designed to be fun. We are each going to develop our own project – hopefully a real Online Fundraising project. Each one of your assignments is actually a concrete element in building your project.

Please use my examples as templates for your project. They are formatted such that one week is the building block for the next week and therefore we need to maintain the format of the examples I provide. Download my examples and just write right over the top of what I’ve written. In this manner you will learn the system and be guided in thinking through the components of your project.

Now that we’ve gotten past the logistics you can begin your adventure and have a lot of fun in the process.

So what’s next? Click on the Assignment One Discussion in the right sidebar and get started in communications and fundraising!

Tim Magee